有關「藝術/行動者駐場計劃 2013」︳art/activist in residence 2013

油麻地 x 北京 x 台北 x 吉隆坡 x 東京 x 福崗
Yau Ma Tei x Beijing x Taipei x Kuala Lumpur x Tokyo x Fukuoka

2013, March – September / 3月 – 9月

「藝術/行動者駐場計劃 2013」是一個期望結連「東亞」區域上的文化/藝術行動份子的對話和交流的平台。計劃期間將開展一系列駐場創作、考察、藝術行動、工作坊、講座等交流及協作活動,讓藝術家/行動者連接到本土社區,以創作計劃梳理當中的經驗;另一方面,我們亦期望讓此計劃作為一社會性藝術創作的實驗平台,提供一個在未來建立相關論述的基礎。最後,我們期望藉著促進藝術家和行動者之間的交流,開闊彼此認識和合作,提供對應新自由主義的世界資本侵襲下,一個跨地區連線的可能。

Art/Activist-in-Residence (AAiR) 2013 aims to build up dialogue and networks for the development of art activism in East Asia. This residence programme will connect artists/ activists with socio-political consciousness/practice from Hong Kong and Asia by organizing a series of collaborative activities and exchange programs, e.g. art actions, workshops and talks, linking up the artists/ activists with the local community. AAiR is also a platform for practicing and experimenting social/ political art, so as to provide discourse for future study. Through dialogues amongst artists and activists, more discussions will take place and more collaborations are expected to be happened in the future.

三月至六月/何穎雅+ fontini @家作坊(北京) 七月/茨廠街社區藝術計劃 (吉隆坡) 八月/高俊宏(台北) 本地駐場藝術家
